
Tuesday, December 5, 2023


 VPC / Virtual Private Cloud

- VPC = personal datacenter

give complete cotrol over virtual networking environtment

region > vpc > AZ > 

public / private subnet ---- security group --- ec2 instance / rdsDB --- nat ---

NACL --- Route table --- router --- IGW --- internet


// VPC Key Features

- vpc are region specfic // ga span across region

- bs create 5 vpc per region

- tiap region ada 1 default vpc

- bs create 200 subnet per VPC

- bs make ipv4 cidr block + ipv6 cidr block 

features cost nothing:


route table


internet gateway 

security group and sunet

VPC Peering

features cost money :

NAT Gateway

VPC edpoint

Vpn gateway

Customer gateway

DNS hostname ( klo instance butuh dns )


// default vpc

- ada default vpc di tiap region sehingga bs immediate deploy instance

1 create vpc with size /16 cidr block.

2 create a size /20 default subnet in each AZ

3 create internet gateway and connect it to default vpc

4 create default security group and asssociate with default VPC

5 create default NACL / network access control list and associate with default VPC

6 associate default dhcp option to default vpc

7 when vpc created = auto create route table


0.0.0/0 = all possible ip address.

klo specify di route table for IGW = allow internet access 

klo specify 0di security group inbound rules = allowing all traffic from internet to our public resources => giving access from anywhere or the internet


// VPC peering

- allowing connect one vpc with another over a direct route using private IP Address

1 instance on peered vpc behave like they are on same network

2 able to connect vpc across same or different aws account and regions

3 peering use start configuration:  1 central vpc - 4 other vpc

4 no transitive peering ( peering must take place directly between vpcs )

- need a one to one connect to immediator VPC

5 no overlapping CIDR block




VPC A  ---------------  VPC B


// route table

- route table = determine where network traffic is directed

- tiap subnet d vpc mesti ada route tablenya.

- 1 route table bisa berisi multiple subnet

destination target local igw-19asda21312ifsd

public subnet --- route table ---- router --- igw --- internet 


// internet gateway ( IGW )

- allow vpc access ke internet


1 provide target didalem vpc buat ngeroute ke internet

2 melakukan NAT buat instances yg telah diassign public ipv4 IP

BUAT NGEROUTE KE internet mesti add ke routing table 

destination =

target = igw

(route table) ---- router --- IGW --- internet 


// bastion / jumpbox

bastion = intermediate ec2 instances yg telah di hardening. // bs buat jump jalur traffic remote dari internet ke private ec2 ip

- help gain access ke ec2 instance via SSH / RCP yg ada di private subnet

** bastion ga boleh pake NAT ( security purpose ) 

// nat gateways

- nat gateway : penggunaan nat gateway digunakan agar ec2 instances dapet akses ke outbound internet for security updates

** bastion bs direplaace pake Session manager ( ada didalem system manager )


// direct connect

- aws direct connect : establish dedicated network connection from on premises location to AWS

- help reduce network cost

- increase bandwidth throughput 

- provide more consisten network experience than typical internet based connection

++ very fast network  

ada 2 service:

1 lower bandwidth 50M-500M 

2 higher bandwidth 1gb / 10gb

on premises customer ---- customer/partner cage ( router ) ---- aws cage ( router ) ---- vpc / ec2 

aws direct connect = router ditengah2 ( customer / partner cage dan aws caage )


// vpc endpoint

- secret tunnel inside private network aws

- privately connect vpc to other AWS service, and VPC endpoint services

- eliminate the need for an internet gateway, NAT, VPN or AWS Direct connect

- instance in vpc ga perlu public ip address buat ngobrol dengan service tertentu

- traffic antar vpc dan other service ga akan bs keluar dari aws network

- horizontal scaled, redundant and high available VPC component

- allow secure communication between instance and service without adding availability risk or bandwidth constraint on ur traffic

// ga perlu route traffic via internet buat akses service tertentu

VPC -- VPC endpoint --- s3 bucket 

2 tipe vpc endpoint :

1 interface endpoint

2 gateway endpoint

// interface endpoint 

- disebut ENI / elastic network interface with private ip address.

entry point for traffic going to a supported service.

interface endpoint are powered by AWS PrivateLink

- access service hosted on AWS easily and secured by keeping network private within AWS network

// ENI Cost 

price per vpc endpoint per az $/hour = 0.01

price per GB data processed ($)  = 0.01

estimated 7.5$ / month

ENI support following service:







AWS Config




Secret manager

security token service

service catalog



System Manager

Marketplace partner services

endpoint services in other AWS accounts

// vpc gateway endpoint

- gateway that is a target for a specific route in ur routing table

- used for traffic destined for a supported AWS Service

buat bikin gateway endpoint mesti specify vpc dan target service yg mau diestablish connectionnya

aws gateway endpoint only support 2 service:

1 S3

2 DynamoDB

** vpc endpoint is free


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