ls xxx 2> errorfile
===mount iso file==
mount -o loop Fedora-11-i386-dvd.iso /test/
network file system
mount -t nfs /test
umount /test
mount -t cifs // /test
umount /test
If the Windows box requires a username/password you should use
mount -t smbfs -o username <your user name> password <your password> //servername/sharename /mnt/sharename
ls > file : memasukkan output dr ls ke file
ls >> fileappended : menambahkan isi direktori skrg ke fileappended
database < data : input data ke database
ls *.png | xargs rm : output yang ada *.png di hapus
= : assign variable
== : question true / false
/dev/null : linux trashbin , auto discarded. -> digunakan sebagai spam email(dibuang).
history : history
echo $HISTSIZE : default 500
echo $PATH : melihat path executable binary
TAB : complete command
backup restore commands.
rsync sinkronisasi local filelist.
- with remote system
- can connect via secure shell
- rsync -aHvz -e ssh .
example: lftp
!ls = list local files
tar : creates archieves in linux
tar czf backupfiles.tar.gz folder/
extract dengan tar xzf backupmail.tar.gz
cpio : copy input, output menjadi archieves -> multiple files
find / -name*.doc | cpio -o > docfiles
extract dengan cpio -i < docfiles
restore command for tape
full backup-
dump 0f /dev/tapedevice /directory
incremental backup-
dump 1f /dev/tapedevice /directory
differential backup-
dump 10f /dev/tapedevice /directory
reverse with restore
backup from partition
dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb1 -> input = if output = of (bit by bit copy)
backup from cd/dvd
ssh -X remoteserver
firefox : menjalankan firefox via X server forwarded to client ( from remote )
alt+backspace = logoff
window manager //effect
gnome = compiz
kde = kwin
Xorg -configure : create new x server config
7 run levels
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 => halt
ls /etc/rc.0d/ -> Kxxx Kxxx => list smua file yang di kill pada saat run level 0
1 => single user mode => root auto-login
ls /etc/rc.1d/ ->
2 => redhat: multiuser without networking
ubuntu/debian : with gui if installed
3 => debian/ubuntu ga pake level 3 4 5
3 => centos/redhat multiuser with networking
4 => not used
5 => redhat : multiuser mode, networking + gui display manager
6 => reboot mode
select a runlevel
shutdown -h now = init 0 (runlevel 0) == halt
shutdown -r now = init 6 (runlevel 6) == reboot
* * * * * command
1 2 3 4 5
1= minutes 00-59
2= jam 0-23
3= tanggal 1-31
4= minggu 1-11
5= week 0-6 (0 =minggu)
command= command yang akan dieksekusi
contoh : 01 * * * * -> 1 menit tiap jam
02 4 * * * -> 4.02 a.m setiap hari
22 4 * * 0 -> 4.22 a.m setiap minggu
42 4 1 * * -> 4.42 a.m setiap awal bulan
crontab -e
/etc/cron.deny -> user boleh menggunakan cron untuk aplikasi xxx
one time cronjob : digunakan apabila membutuhkan job skali jalan (agar tidak lupa mendelete cron apabila menggunakan cron )
at now + 10 minutes
at 2:00am, at noon, at midnight
at teatime (4:00PM)
at tomorrow 3:00PM , at +3days 4:00am
at 10/11/12 5:00 am (october 11,2012)
at> wget = examples
ls > toro.txt
ctrl+d (finished :D)
atq = review at jobs
atrm 1 = delete job number 1
limit at by account -> /etc/at.allow /etc/at.deny
disk usage
vmstat //hampir sama dengan top
iostat //input output
du -a //directory and size
df -h //list mounted directory
file system and quota
membatasi quota by space / by number of files
/dev/sdb1 usrquota,grpquota => hrs ada 2 ini d fstab
bikin konfigurasi quota
quotacheck -cug /home/ => nanti muncul aquota.file
edquota toro
edquota -g group
softlimit, hardlimit
repquota /home -> buat check
page file for ram didalam hardisk
swap volume = 2x ram
fdisk /dev/sdb
mkswap /dev/sdb2
swapon /dev/sdb2
cat /proc/swaps -> cek
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