
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Network Design Part 1

cisco design!!

1 plan:
- design
- assessment
- strategy & analysis for solution

2 build
- validation
- deployment
- migration 

minimumly distruptive as possible!

** achieve bisnis goals. -> minimize operational downtime of network infrastructure.

3 manage
- product support
- solution support
- optimization
- operations management


di plan phase bakal banyak



- Network life cycle model



^ 3 ini masuk kategori plan


^ build


^ 2 ini masuk kategori manage

dari atas ke bawah, trus ke atas lagi.


PPPDIO part2

1 prepare phase. ( high level )

proposing solution.
financial justification.
identify particular technology that suit organization.

2 plan

make more details!
characterizing existing network. putting particular goal in baseline.

3 Design

before implemen.
make sure business and technical goal fit in.
creating design

each solution scalable.
perform at spec
high available?

^ 3 metric ini paling penting

4 Implement
least distruptive existing infra.

5 Operate

6 Optimize
day to day check and optimize!


characterize existing nework

- network maps
- network addressing and naming
- wiring and media
- architecture / environtment constraint
- network health  :

prepare checklist to make sure the network is healthy!

cisco provide us with nice starting point for analyze health of our existing network as we plan to redesign.

- ethernet segment should not feature a sustained utilization 40% or higher.

- all ethernet segments should be switched -- no shared segments ( hub-based )

- no WAN link should feature a sustained utilization 70% or higher

- response time should be generally less than 100ms

- LAN response time should generally be 2ms

- no segments have more than 1 CRC error per million bytes of data

- no segments should have more than 20% multicast / broadcast traffic

- for ethernet segments, there should be less than .1 percent collisions over 5 min intervals.

- CPU utilization should not exceed 75%

- number of output queue drop should not exceed 100 in an hour

- number of input queue drop should not exceed 50 in an hour

- number of buffer miss should not exceed 25 in an hour


network audit


existing documentationn
existing management software
additional auditing tools


bisa lewat cli. show command.

atau pake tools kyk cisco prime infrastructure. / solarwind

polling graphic/resource via SNMP.


MIB = database of variables. diakses oleh NMS buat analisis data.

SNMP 3    -> ++ authentication, integrity, encryption


CDP  -> cisco prop
LLDP -> vendor neutral ( link layer discovery protocol )
Netflow ->  built in within cisco router


komponen netflow:

- monitor / traffic monitoring
- exporter / gathering information and sending to device
- collector


# flow exporter NF_1    !! give name
# destination    !! ip dari collector
# transport udp 9996    !! choosing port number
# source serial0/0   !!select interface klo ada banyak interface
# exit


# flow monitor NF_MON1
# exporter NF_EXPORTER1
# record netflow-original

!! assign monitor

# int serial 0/0
# ip flow monitor NF_MON1 input   !! direction
# end

!! test

# show flow monitor name NF_MON1 cache 



testing the network delay using UDP packet based jitter!

^ penting buat VOIP


!! create responder

R2# ip sla responder udp-echo ipaddress port 5000


!! generate traffic

R1# ip sla 1
# udp-jitter 16384 codec g711alaw 
# frequency 30          // change default 60s to 30s

!! schedule ip sla test

R1# ip sla schedule 1 start-time now life forever

!!  check on r2
R2# show ip sla responder

R1# show ip sla statistics 1


!! design network.

OSI model -->  design from top or bottom??

APP first?

cabling first?

design from bottom up cons:
- fast
- based on prev experience
- org reg
- failure problem   -> high probability

^ need VOIP?  buy cabling first, router, Gigabit ethernet, xyz

design top down :
- big picture
- time consuming

^ requirement of technology / application
^ need validation design.

2 method:
prototyping -> construct in lab environtment
pilot  -> use small portion of production. 
    use small data. actual user, actual action.
  connected to production network


!! building modular network


modular --> troubleshooting quick

MTTR = mean time to repair.

break network into smaller convergence domain!
ospf area 0  -> dipecah jadi banyak area

1 convergence domain
2 scalability
3 resiliency  -- network can take more overal fault.

campus network:
- campus infrastructure
- datacenter

edge network:
- e-commerce
- internet connectivity
- remote access
- WAN connectivity


remote network:
- teleworker
- enterprise branch
- enterprise datacenter


!! applying modularity

think hierarchical

- hub and spoke

- core, dist, access

core layer: speed,speed,speed  // biasanya antar core layer di aggregate / etherchannel.

dist layer: aggregate, summarize, security policy   ( biasanya multilayer switch, high speed port  )
access layer: wired, wireless. ( mac based, not routing )

- collapsed core ( 2 tier topology )
^ core and distribution combined become 1 device  ( saving cost )
^ access layer tetep ada.
^ tapi ga cocok buat large campus, yg punya banyak building.

- multilayer


!! virtualization

physical vs logical  : VLAN

segregation :  VSAN
desegregation : connecting 2 dataenter long distance virtualization ->  OTV / OVERLAY TRANSPORT VIRTUALIZATION.

^ JADI SEOLAH2 CONNECT SECARA L2 walaupun beda lokasi.

density / resource workload = how much ram / cpu per server. ( utilization )

High availability


VSS = virtual switching system.

^ multiple virtual switch connected!


!! consequence

1 fate sharing
^ kerusakan di 1 physical bakal ngefek ke beberapa virtual

2 suboptimal pathing
^ assymetric routing

3 overuse virtualization


nexus -> creating VDC / virtual device context


!! campus design

end to end vs localized vlan approach 
* best = localized  ( simple, scalable )

end to end = differentiate sales vlan, hr vlan.

!! geographical
1st floor = vlan_1
2nd floor = vlan_2


GLBP = GATEWAY LOAD BALANCING  // using virtual mac.

!! best practice vlan
vlan default 1 => change.
^ ketika ada switch baru ga make default vlan. improved security

802.1D = legacy stp
802.1S = MSTP


!!stp protocol
BPDU GUARD = put on access port on server / workstation.
ROOT GUARD = protecting new switch become the root bridge


vss = virtual switching system. tied multiple switch become 1 ( logical )

cisco stackwise =  using stacking cable


!! designing enterprise security

defense in depth concept.  ->  layer of security.

attacker -> 1 layer then next layer  -> tighten !

!! physical 
^ use password security on console port device.

!! os security
^ device hardening

ex: auto secure di cisco

# auto secure
^ function :    disabled unused service on interface ( scripting )
setting enable secret password
edit login banner
configuration local user database
setting blocking period ( how many second time after login failure )
setting maximum login failure attempt
configure ssh
configure CBAC firewall


firewall security

packet -> ACL
stateful firewall -
Application layer gateway -> proxy
Next Generation  -> look deep inside application traffic, apply IPS, Malware guard.


cisco ASA ( adaptive security appliance ) -> NG Firewall

!! define inside network
!! define outside network

!! allow all inside, allow only appropriate several response from outside network.

# show nameif    !! check interface name in ASA, security level
^ 0 = untrusted, 100 = completely trusted

# show run int gi0/1 !! check config interface

Security firewall

!! Intrusion detection system
IDS -> have database of signature attack , recognize most form of attack   ( inform the user there is an attackk!!! )

!! Instrusion prevention system
IPS -> drop known attack

cisco asa bisa dimasukin FirePower module
^ buat upgrade jadi fitur IPS
^ ++ URL Filtering, Application inspection, anti malware.

FW ++ IPS ++ NAC + AAA

NAC = meet defined posturing ! , correct patches, OS before entering network

multi factor authentication!

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