
Sunday, March 18, 2018

ospf documentation part 2

OSPF link state routing protocol.

rip = route resend every 30s. send full

routing table.

rip    = advertise hop count
eigrp  = advertise prefix, subnet mask,

metric. -> dicalculated oleh algorithm jadi

distance. ( penentu best path )

^ bandwidth delay reliability by directly

^ tau kondisi dari directly neighbor

^ ketika sudah mencapai other side of

neighbor, information ga dikirim beda dengan



link state = send prefix but only for

specific time ( etc: 30 min ).
- ngirim LSA ( link state adv )
 lot of descriptive information on the link!

LSA => DETAIL visibility on interface.
cache on database and keep flooding it.

everybody on area see everything!!

OSPF USE LINK state logic:
- neighbor discovery
- topology database exchange
- route computation

hello packet sent using multicast
ospf use IP protocol 89 ( bukan tcp / udp )
ospf use concept of AREA

scenario 1.  menggunakan area 0

backbone = area 0

backbone area0

area 10 area 20 area


setiap area 10,20,30 ada 1 interface

connected ke area 0

dari area 1 ke area lainnya harus lewat area

0 baru dipermit lewat.
klo ada link direct dari area 10 ke area 20

-> ga bakal jalan. walopun di hubungkan

area number yg sama.

scenario 2.   semua network dijadiin 1 area.

network 1---- network 2 ---- network


^ jadi 1 area. bisa pake area number berapa

etc:  area 23.

^ tp ada downsidenya. bakal send semua

information. loadnya bakal gede di tiap

  cpu intensive!

- Type-1 Router LSA.
tiap network baru bakal diflood ke semua

area yang bersangkutan!!


1 lsa dicollect stored di database
2 masukin semuanya dan bentuk tree   -> type

1 router LSA bakal beratin semua router

karena semua jadi 1 area
3 cari best path taro di routing table

- link state database



router yang terhubung ke router area 0
* connect non backbone area to backbone


6 area connected to area border router = 6

^ router ABR work really hard.

- type-3 summary router LSA. ( di ABR )
network yg baru di area x akan di sent ke

area 0 supaya dikenali oleh area 0


#router ospf <process-id>   !! ga harus sama

di router tetangga.


router id ospf:
1. manually configured   !! ga perlu ada di

interface manapun
2. highest ip of any loopback interface
3. highest ip address of any non loopback



show ip int bri
show ip ospf   !! check router-id
show ip ospf database  !! muncul area
show ip ospf neig

clear ip ospf process  !! restart ospf

process klo dibutuhkan.


ospf neighborship lbh complex.

- 2 way neighbors
- fully adjacent neighbors


cara konfigurasi ospf pada interface. (

bukan pada router )

interface fastethernet0/0
ip address x.x.x.x y.y.y.y
ip ospf 1 area 1   -> config on

duplex auto
speed auto

klo yang global:

router ospf 1
network area 1


parameter yg harus match buat neighbor:

- hello interval
- dead interval
- area ID
- subnet mask
- authentication
- stub area flag


hello message parameter depending on network

condition ( no need to match ):

- ospf router ID
- list of neighbors reachable on interface
- router priority
- DR ip address
- BDR ip address



hello    10
dead     40

custom hello!
#conf t
#ip ospf hello-interval 5
#ip ospf dead-interval 20

!!check config
#show ip ospf interface fa0/0

** hello and dead timer interval can be

modified to have faster convergen

#ip ospf dead-interval minimal hello-

multiplier multiplier


** klo mo ganti router-id di router,
harus clear ospf process. ( soalnya bakal

ganti di semua database router lainnya ).

!! verify router-id
# show ip protocols
# show ip ospf
# show ip ospf database


MTU issue.

default MTU = 1500 ( bytes of data )

^ default ip MTU + ETHERNET frame ( maximum

legal size )

^ if router need to forward packet larger

than outgoing
interface MTU, it either fragments the

packet or discard

tergantung setting DF ( dont fragment ).
^ klo di set DF, packetnya di drop klo ga


2 router yg terkoneksi di cable yang sama

harus punya
MTU yang sama. ( same data link )

^ tetep jadi neighbors tp nanti bakal jadi

EXSTART state abis itu down.

^ di log messsage => " too many

retransmissions "
!! cek via wireshark !!

conf t
int fa0/0
ip mtu 1000

show ip ospf neigh
^ state EXSTART/DR

^ klo mo ngecek processnya bisa pake

ip-proto eq 89   !! port 89.
dapet hello packet -> bisa di inspect /

diliat detail ( bagian header )

area ID:
hello interval: 10s

sama DB description

OSPF DB Description
Interface MTU: 1000

!! check via debug command di router !!

#debug ip ospf adj

^ OSPF: Nbr has larger

interface MTU  !! ketauan errornya

!!OSPF Authentication part 1 !!

tujuan: prevent unauthorize router join


2 step proces s:
- enable authentication & type
- authentication key must be configured per


!! per interface
# ip ospf authentication [pass]

!! global conf
#area <area-id> authentication <pass> 

3 type of authen:
- type 0 :  no authentication
- type 1 : clear text authentication
- type 2 : MD5 AUTHEN**

^ capture hello packet klo ga pake md5


- suuport multiple key  on same interface.
but does not support key chain.
^ key yang berubah2 tiap selang interval


!! configure authen to interface subcommand

#ip ospf authentication null  ( type 0 )

#ip ospf authentication  ( type 1 )
#ip ospf authentication-key <pass>    (


#ip ospf authentication message-digest  (

type 2)
#ip ospf message-digest-key <key-id> <pass>

(type 2)

!! same type of authen and same type of key

must be used for auth on both router !!

^ ketika implementasi authentikasi dan ospf

sudah berjalan harus nunggu dead timernya

selesai baru adjacenciesnya putus.

!! debug command !!

show ip ospf interface <int>
debug ip ospf hello
debug ip ospf adj

!! debug on wireshark !!

filter :  -> multicast

or unicast

89 -> port ospf

# int fast0/0
# ip ospf 1 area 1
# end

ospf header:
Auth Type:   ->  liad auth type pake

wireshark port 89
