elastic load balance:
- route request to multiple instances
- evenly distribution load to multiple ec2 instance
- monitor ec2 instance ( combine with auto scalling ) to forward request whenever the server is up / down. stop forwarding to dead ec2 instance
- adding more backend without interupting front end process // decoupled architecturee
- low demand period
- high demand period
// messaging and queueing
buffer = placing message into a buffer
// tight coupled architecture
cashier - straigh talk to barista. // single component fail it causes issues for other compontents or even the whole system.
app a error - app b ikt error
// loosely coupled architecture
single failure wont cause cascading failures
one single failure is isolated so wont cause cascading failures
app A -- Message Queue -- app B
if app B fail.. A not fail.
app A will still send to message Queue until app B up again
// messaging and queueing
messaging remain in the quue until they are consumed or deleted
// amazon simple queue service ( SQS - queue)
Using Amazon SQS, you can send, store, and receive messages between software components, without losing messages or requiring other services to be available. In Amazon SQS, an application sends messages into a queue. A user or service retrieves a message from the queue, processes it, and then deletes it from the queue.
- send store receive msg between software component at any vol.
- msg are placed in queue until they are processed
- scale automatically, easy configure and used
- can send notification
data contained within msg is called payload. // protected until delivery
- person name, coffee order, time order => digabung jd payload. dimasukin ke SQS
// amazon simple notification service ( SNS )
bs berupa email,txt msg , push notif / http request. skali di push, sent ke semua subscriber
// buat ngasih notification ke user. => bs berupa email,txt msg , push notif / http request
publish / subscribe model
sns topic : a channel for msg to be delivered
configure subscriber ke topic -> lalu publish msg to those subscriber
1 message to topic => disebar ke banyak subscriber skali jalan.
subscribernya bs end point jg kyk :
- sqs queues
- aws lambda
- https / http web hook
bs jg ngasih notification ke end user via:
- mobile push
- sms
monolithic application.
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