Objective C data type
- int (4bytes).
- float (4bytes).
- double (8 bytes).
- BOOL (1 bytes).
- char (1 bytes).
int = Integer number.
float = Single precision floating point.
double = Double precision floating point.
BOOL = Boolean type data ( true / false ).
char = A single character.
data type example
int number = 121;
float number2 = 1.231;
BOOL aDeer = YES; [ YES | NO ]
4 bytes = 32 bits = 2^32 = 4.294.967.296 possible value.
-2.147.483.648 ---------------------------- 2.147.483.648
with unsigned ( command to use only positive value, no negative! ) we can make it from
0 ---------------------------- 4.294.967.296
example: unsigned int positive_number;
**float and double cant use unsigned.
data type can use modifier.- short
- long
example: short int ( cost 2 byte).
long int ( cost 8 byte).
long double (cost 16 byte).