physical / virtual instalation.
install on virtual machine. vmware / virtualbox
min requirement:
-1gb ram.
-optical drive
-20gb disk space
-network connection
-Red Hat 7.x instalation disk
-CentOS 7.x / Scientifi linux 7
minimal installation.
-software selection:
> server with GUI.
-hostname: localhost.localdomain >
-setting root password
kdump -> coredump kernel.If server crashed, os creating server memory condition and later can be analyzed using debugger.
> disable kdump ( klo diaktifin butuh min reserved 161 memory )
- register license?
- choose graphical desktop software pattern (GNOME / KDE )
- CONFIGURE 10GB root partition.
- 1 gb swap partition.
- at least 4gb disk space unused. ( buat logical volume nanti).
- set root password.
- configure DHCP
1. Understand and use essential tools
# man -k time ( -k = keyword )
# man man-pages
# grep // filtering utilities.
# date --help // information option.
start vim -> command mode -> insert mode (a / i / o / ins ).
esc key -> back to command mode
:wq // write quit /save file
command mode:
dd -> delete line
u -> undo
ctrl+r -> redo
v -> visual mode
gg -> top of document
$ -> end of line
^ -> beginning of line
:%s/oldtext/newtext/g -> find all string oldtext and subtitute newtext
// /g -> apply globally ( more than 1 times, not only 1 times ).
visual mode
command mode -> v
bisa gerakin cursor sampe ketitik tertentu ( ngeblock text ).
trs delete.
using wildcards. used to match filenames
ls host* // * -> any character.
ls ?host // ? -> one character.
ls [hm]ost // [hm] -> host / most.
ls [!hm]ost // any word end with ost.
ls [0-9][0-9]script // start with 2 number then script
ls *host*
ls ??st*
ls [hm]ost // host / most
ls *[0-9]* // that have number somewhere in their names.
ls -d [!abcd]*
stdin //standard input
stdout //standard output
stderr //standard error
< //stdin
> //stdout
>> //append
2> //stderr redirect error to file
mail -s hi root < . // command doesnt have to wait for input anymore
ls > myFile // writing output to myFile instead of screen.
grep hi * 2> /dev/tty6
ps aux -> too long
ps aux | less // whatever output of command 1 send to cmd 2.
ps aux | awk '{print $2}' | sort -n
ps aux // print process
awk'{print $2}' // print 2nd colomn
sort -n // sort by number
find / -name "*.rpm" 2> /dev/null // send output error to /dev/null not screen
find / -name "*.rpm" 2> ~/find.error // send output to home directory and create file find.error
find / -name "*.rpm" >> rpm-results.txt 2> /dev/null
ls > ~/file_list_list.txt
sort < ~/file_list.txt
sort < file_list.txt > file_list_sorted.txt // di sort filenya trs masukin ke file_list_sorted.txt