
Monday, March 4, 2024

github action notes

ci / integration :




cd / delivery :

auto release to repository

cd / deployment :

auto deploy to production


ci = pass test

cd = deliver code to production


## gitactions

1 create workflow = superlinter.yml

// linter = run check codes that meet specific criteria or standard


## workflow

terdiri dari 5 :

1 event

2 jobs 

3 runner 

4 steps

5 actions

1 event = trigger for workflow 

- example: when someone push new code 

// contoh event di yaml file :

on: push 

^ bakal jalanin isi dari jobs 

2 jobs = jobs todo 



    name: Lint code base

    runs-on : ubuntu-latest         // runner => container 


- name: checkout code

    uses: actions/checkout@v2        // check our code

- name: Run Super-Linter

  uses: github/super-linter@v3      // run linter 



3 runner = container yg buat jalanin obs

runs-on : ubuntu-latest 

## by default github runs our code in github environtment 

## ada ubuntulinux / windows / mac 

4 steps = declare berapa jumlah step yg akan dijalankan 

stepnya jalanin linter**


superlinter support multiple linter ( understand multiple language )


awal bikin workflow penamaan penting

mygitactions/.github/workflows/superlinter.yml     // in main 

## trs di commit ke main branch


## msk ke <> code 

## check status icon 

check pass = turn green 

check fail = turn red

atau ke actions tab 



klo udah ci pipeline selesai dan image dipush ke registry saatnya bikin cd.

create new repo.

isinya config repo :

- kubernetes manifest / docker compose

push ke test/QA env --> dimonitor pake prometheus / grafana 

prometheus = script metric from app

grafana = qa bs visualize change, check latency, check kpi 

biasanya ada 3 cd stage:


staging  : pretend as production. testing live stage

production : customer access 


push model:

registry -> dipush ke 3 stage ( kubectl apply ) -> dimonitor pake prometheus / grafana

pull model:

argoCD diinstall di tiap kubernetes cluster 

argoCD = cek state repository, cek state masing2 cluster ( di pull ) 

klo di cluster ada perubahan lgsng ngecek dan ngasih tau klo out of sync

bs otomatis di sync sama si agro atau manually triggered

otomatis sync test/qa env dengan staging env via argo CD

fungsi argoCD : sync dan ngecek state


// argo rollout canary deployment

user --- loadbalancer --- app ( kubernetes pod ).

90% traffic

user --- loadbalancer --- app v1


|        10% traffic

--------- app v2





**mindahin traffic ke versi baru sampe smuanya pindah ke versi release yg baru

podnya** jg dari aplikasi yg lama dipindah ke app yg baru 


Monday, January 8, 2024

Route 53 DNS Note


// dns 

translate domain names to ip address


// domain registrar.

domain di register via interNIC == service provided by ICANN / internet corp for assigned names and number

- klo udah diregister nanti datanya masuk di WhoIS database

contoh domain registrar:

- hostgator

- godaddy


- aws 

- namecheap 

- bs bayar service tambahan biar dnsnya ke private


// top leveldomain

- word  terakhir di domain name 

contoh : .com  .ac .academy .aaa   .abb

bs dicek di availability database: 

^ aws cuma top level domain .aws


// second level domain 

- 2nd word  setelah domain name

contoh:  //  co = 2nd level domain 


// Start of authority  

tiap domain hrs punya SOA record yg bs provide informasi tentang domain.


- seberapa sering diupdate

- admin email 

1 zone file cuma bs contain 1 SOA Record.


[authority-domain] ---- [domain-of-zone-admin] ----- [  zone-SN ] ----

[refresh-time]    ---- [ retry-time] ---- [ expire-time ] ----

[negative caching TTL]

contoh: 1

7200 900 1209600 86400

aws example: 1

7200 900 1209600 86400


// A Record

A record :  buat convert nama domain directly ke ip address.





"Type": "A",

"Name": "",

"ResourceRecords" : [

{ "Value": "" }






// cname

- resolve one domain  name to another rather than ip address

- klo dipasang cname, kita bs ubah A record tp pointing cnamenya tetep sama.





"Type": "CNAME",

"Name": "",

"ResourceRecords" : [

{ "Value": "" }






// NS 

digunakan oleh top  level domain buat direct traffic ke dns server yg merupakan

authoritative DNS record. 

- bs bikin multiple name server buat redundancy 

- klo kita bikin dns record pake route53, NS Record buat domain kita bakal pointing ke AWS  Servers.


"Type": "NS",



"Name": "",


"ResourceRecords" : [

{ "Value": "" },

{ "Value": "" },

{ "Value": "" },

{ "Value": "" },






// TTL

waktu yg diperbolehkah oleh dns record buat di  cached di server / user local machine 

semakin pendek nilai ttl,  semakin cepet changes  dns record propagate accross internet


// route 53

- high available and scalable  cloud DNS.

- register and manage domain

- create dns routing rules / failover 

- lebih ke sinergy ddengan  aws services

- bs register and manage domain

- create various record set on domain

- implement complex traffic flows

- continous monitor record via health checks

- resolve vpc diluar AWS


// route 53 record sets

- buat pointing  naked domain dan subdomain via domain record

A record => pointing ke spesifik ip 


// alias record aws

- extends dns functionality

- route traffic to  specific AWS Resources

- alias record bs detect  change ip addr dan keep state ip  dari endpoint pointed to correct resources

- dipake kl mau ngeroutingin traffic kedalem AWS Services


//  routing policies

ada 7:

1 simple routing

- default. multiple address = result in random selection

2 weighted routing

- routing berdasarkan weight buat split traffic

- misal : 80% traffic to server 1 , 20% to server 2 

3 latency based routing

- routing traffic ke region dengan lowest latency

- ga peduli geographicnya adda dimana, yg penting ms terkecil yg dipilih 

4 failover routing

- route traffic klo primary endpoint = unhealthy  => lempar ke secondary endpoint

- buat bikin active - passive situation

- auto monitor health check from primary 

5 geolocation routing

- route traffic based on location  of users

6 geo-proximity  routing

- route traffic berdasarkan lokasi resource and optionally  shift traffic from resource in  one location to resources in anothers

7 multi-value answer routing

- respond dns queries up to 8 healthy record ( random selection ) 

- mirip kyk simple routing policies tp ditambahin ++ health check


// route 53 - traffic flow

- visual editor. lets u  create multiple routing config for ur resource using existing routing types

- support versioning for rollback

- 50$ per policy record per month


// health check

- tiap 30s by default. bs dicustom tiap 10s.

- kita  bs  pasang cloudwatch alarm buat alert status unhealthy

- health check bs di chaining. bs monitor other health  check to create a chain of reactions. up to 50 single aws account 


// route 53 resolver  ( .2 resolver )

- regional service yg bs route dns queries between vpc and network 

- dns resolution buat hybrid environtment ( on prem dan cloud )

ada 3 

-  inbound and outbound

-  inbound only

-  outbound only


Sunday, December 10, 2023

VPC Note

 // VPC

default ip vpc =


// cara create vpc

1 select region

2 creating vpc

vpc > create vpc > ipv4 CIDR block       =>  masukin ip range yg ingin diallocate

^ nanti ke create vpc id

^ auto muncul route table

^ auto muncul nacl 

^ dns hostname = default disable


// connect vpc to internet

1 create internet gateways

internet gateways > create internet gateway

- input name tag : ig-1

^ ketika di create status akan detache. nanti bs di attach ke vpc yg udah di create.

2 attach internet gateway ke vpc

internet gateways > actions > attach a vpc 

- select vpc id yg ingin di attach

3 add route table agar dapat rute ke internet

internet gateways > route table  > create route table

- name tag: route_to_internet

- vpc : select existing vpc

4 set main route table

route table > actions > set main route table 

5 edit route table add

routes table > edit routes > add route

destination =  

target = ( select internet gateway ) 

6 edit subnets 

// create plg enggk 2 atau 3  di az yg berbeda. biar ada HA nya.

subnets > create subnets >

- edit name tag

- select vpc 

- select AZ

- edit bagian ipv4 CIDR block ( size nya hrs lebih kecil / bagian dari vpc CIDR ) 

// create 3 public ip v4 cidr :

^ action => edit auto-assign public ipv4 address : yes

// create 1 private ip v4 cidr :

// create route table baru buat segmen ip private

- route tables > create route table > private_ip_route

// set route table association

subnets -> edit route table association 

- edit route table id 

- ganti ke private

- save


// create ec2

- services > ec2 > instances > launch instances

select platform ( biasanya pake amazon linux 2 ami ( hvm ) => buat public subnet ) 

- select t2.micro

- network = select vpc network yg udah dicreate

- subnet = select public subnet yg telah di create

- create new IAM role 

buat bikin permission akses ke s3

^ select ec2 > bagian filter policies filter ssm  ( amazonec2RoleforSSM )

^ bagian filter policies filter s3  ( amazonS3FullAccess )

^ kasih role name > create role 

- select new IAM role

// optional

bagian advanced details bs input script buat bikin web server

- storage => biarin default dl

// configure security group

- create new sec group > security group name = ec2-sec-group1

open port ssh

open port http

- edit source yg buat allow 

// create ec2 key pair

- digunain untuk remote access menggunakan key. agar lebih secure.

// security group => by default deny

// kita bikin rule buat allow services


// create ec2 buat private subnet

sama stepnya kyk yg diatas tp subnetnya bedain. => select yg private


// edit nacl

- bs buat block specific ip address

- nacl adanya di subnets

Subnets > select subents > liad dibawah ada menu Network ACL > edit

- select inbound rule > add rule           // lowest to highest

- add rule 10 > source : ip_private/32  > deny 


// cara connect dari luar ke private subnet

// bs pake jumphost atau bastion ( cari di market place ) 

^ buat remote browser ssh ke private instance. biar lebih secure

^ jumpbox = hardened instance 

^ bs dikasih google authenticator / mfa

^ bs screen recording 

^ ada audit log 

^ alternativenya bs pake session manager tp ga ada screen recording

- instances > launch instances > aws marketplace > guacamole bastion host

- edit bagian network dan subnet

- edit policies > filter guaws

- create role > ec2 > filter > ec2readonlyaccess


NAT Gateway Note

 // nat

1 dipake buat koneksi private ip  ke internet

2 dipake klo ada ip private network yg bentrok / sama dan ingin koneksi keluar


// nat instances vs nat gateway

nat instances = individual ec2 instance.

- bs down nat instances

- mesti bikin lebih dr 1 

// nat gateways

- manage service which launches redundant instances within the selected AZ.

- di manage sama aws

- ada redundansi dibalik layar. aws yg manage.

** nat instances hrs ada di public subnet.

ec2 -> ada di private subnet

^ semua nat jalan per AZ


// nat instancce and nat gateway note++

// note nat instance

- pas bikin  nat mesti disable source and destination checks di instance

- nat instances mesti ada di public subnet

- hrs ada route out dari private subnet ke nat instance 

- ukuran nat instance determine seberapa besar traffic bisa dihandle

- high availability bs pake autoscalling group, multiple subnet di AZ yg berbeda, dan automate failover pake script   =>  lebih repot dibanding nat gateway

// note nat gateway

- bersifat redundant didalam sebuah AZ.

- cm boleh punya 1 nat gateway didalem 1 AZ / ga bs dispan

- start dr 5Gbps dan bisa discale up ke 45Gbps

- Nat Gateway dipake buat enterprise

- ga perlu ngepatch nat gateawy. ga perlu disable source/destination checks 

- nat gateway otomatis diassign public ip

- route tables for nat gateway mesti di update

- resource di multiple AZ sharing gateway will  lose internet access if gateway goes down, unless u create a gateway in each AZ and configure  routes accordingly


Security Group Note

 // security group:

virtual firewall at instance level


- inbound  rulle

- outbound rule

- no deny rules. all traffic blocked by ddefault unless a rule specifically allow it

- multiple instances across multiple subnet can belong to security group


- bs specify /32 atau specific ip adress

sg web app ->  db via ip

- bs specify another sec group

sg web app ->  db via sec group

- instance bs diapply multiple security group ( nest ). rulenya jadi permisive.

awalnya deny trs di apply sec group k2 allow. jadi allow 


// sec group limit

can have up to 10k sec group in region. // default 2500

can have 60 inbound rule and 60 outboundd rule per sec group

16 sec group per elastic network interface ( default is 5 ) 


- firewall at instance level

- sec group are stateful. // if traffic is allowed inbound, it is also allowed outbound

- unless allow spec, all inbound traffic is blocked by default

- all outbound traffic from the instance is allowed by default

- source specify can be either ip range, single ip addr or another sec group

- any changes effect immediate

- ec2 instances can belong to multiple sec group

- sec group can contain multiple ec2 instance 

- ga bs block specific ip via sec group

Thursday, December 7, 2023


NACL = Network Access List 

NACL: an optional layer of security that act as a firewall for controlling traffic in and out of subnet

- virtual firewall at subnet level

- vpc auto get a default nacl allow all outbound and inbound traffic

- tiap subnet cm boleh associated dengann 1 nacl. klo ad alebih dari 1 bakal nge overwrite previous rule sblmnya

- tiap nacl ada  rules allow atau deny traffic inbound (into ) and outbound ( out of ) subnets

- nacl ada inbound dan outbound rules 

- ada rule number #  => determine order of evaluation. from lowest to highest.   0 - 32766.  // recomended increment 10 / 100

- bs  block single ip adress ( ga bs klo pake security groups )

- ada allow / deny

- stateless

- deny all  traffic by default when create nacl


// nacl use case -- subnet level

- block single ip address from internet

- block incoming all ssh port


Tuesday, December 5, 2023


 VPC / Virtual Private Cloud

- VPC = personal datacenter

give complete cotrol over virtual networking environtment

region > vpc > AZ > 

public / private subnet ---- security group --- ec2 instance / rdsDB --- nat ---

NACL --- Route table --- router --- IGW --- internet


// VPC Key Features

- vpc are region specfic // ga span across region

- bs create 5 vpc per region

- tiap region ada 1 default vpc

- bs create 200 subnet per VPC

- bs make ipv4 cidr block + ipv6 cidr block 

features cost nothing:


route table


internet gateway 

security group and sunet

VPC Peering

features cost money :

NAT Gateway

VPC edpoint

Vpn gateway

Customer gateway

DNS hostname ( klo instance butuh dns )


// default vpc

- ada default vpc di tiap region sehingga bs immediate deploy instance

1 create vpc with size /16 cidr block.

2 create a size /20 default subnet in each AZ

3 create internet gateway and connect it to default vpc

4 create default security group and asssociate with default VPC

5 create default NACL / network access control list and associate with default VPC

6 associate default dhcp option to default vpc

7 when vpc created = auto create route table


0.0.0/0 = all possible ip address.

klo specify di route table for IGW = allow internet access 

klo specify 0di security group inbound rules = allowing all traffic from internet to our public resources => giving access from anywhere or the internet


// VPC peering

- allowing connect one vpc with another over a direct route using private IP Address

1 instance on peered vpc behave like they are on same network

2 able to connect vpc across same or different aws account and regions

3 peering use start configuration:  1 central vpc - 4 other vpc

4 no transitive peering ( peering must take place directly between vpcs )

- need a one to one connect to immediator VPC

5 no overlapping CIDR block




VPC A  ---------------  VPC B


// route table

- route table = determine where network traffic is directed

- tiap subnet d vpc mesti ada route tablenya.

- 1 route table bisa berisi multiple subnet

destination target local igw-19asda21312ifsd

public subnet --- route table ---- router --- igw --- internet 


// internet gateway ( IGW )

- allow vpc access ke internet


1 provide target didalem vpc buat ngeroute ke internet

2 melakukan NAT buat instances yg telah diassign public ipv4 IP

BUAT NGEROUTE KE internet mesti add ke routing table 

destination =

target = igw

(route table) ---- router --- IGW --- internet 


// bastion / jumpbox

bastion = intermediate ec2 instances yg telah di hardening. // bs buat jump jalur traffic remote dari internet ke private ec2 ip

- help gain access ke ec2 instance via SSH / RCP yg ada di private subnet

** bastion ga boleh pake NAT ( security purpose ) 

// nat gateways

- nat gateway : penggunaan nat gateway digunakan agar ec2 instances dapet akses ke outbound internet for security updates

** bastion bs direplaace pake Session manager ( ada didalem system manager )


// direct connect

- aws direct connect : establish dedicated network connection from on premises location to AWS

- help reduce network cost

- increase bandwidth throughput 

- provide more consisten network experience than typical internet based connection

++ very fast network  

ada 2 service:

1 lower bandwidth 50M-500M 

2 higher bandwidth 1gb / 10gb

on premises customer ---- customer/partner cage ( router ) ---- aws cage ( router ) ---- vpc / ec2 

aws direct connect = router ditengah2 ( customer / partner cage dan aws caage )


// vpc endpoint

- secret tunnel inside private network aws

- privately connect vpc to other AWS service, and VPC endpoint services

- eliminate the need for an internet gateway, NAT, VPN or AWS Direct connect

- instance in vpc ga perlu public ip address buat ngobrol dengan service tertentu

- traffic antar vpc dan other service ga akan bs keluar dari aws network

- horizontal scaled, redundant and high available VPC component

- allow secure communication between instance and service without adding availability risk or bandwidth constraint on ur traffic

// ga perlu route traffic via internet buat akses service tertentu

VPC -- VPC endpoint --- s3 bucket 

2 tipe vpc endpoint :

1 interface endpoint

2 gateway endpoint

// interface endpoint 

- disebut ENI / elastic network interface with private ip address.

entry point for traffic going to a supported service.

interface endpoint are powered by AWS PrivateLink

- access service hosted on AWS easily and secured by keeping network private within AWS network

// ENI Cost 

price per vpc endpoint per az $/hour = 0.01

price per GB data processed ($)  = 0.01

estimated 7.5$ / month

ENI support following service:







AWS Config




Secret manager

security token service

service catalog



System Manager

Marketplace partner services

endpoint services in other AWS accounts

// vpc gateway endpoint

- gateway that is a target for a specific route in ur routing table

- used for traffic destined for a supported AWS Service

buat bikin gateway endpoint mesti specify vpc dan target service yg mau diestablish connectionnya

aws gateway endpoint only support 2 service:

1 S3

2 DynamoDB

** vpc endpoint is free
